Collection enquiry service
Photo and research collections
The museum’s photo archive consists of approximately 130,000 photographs.
The photo archive contains type photos, portraits, as well as aerial photographs from the collection of the Finnish Air Force Photo Centre, and albums donated by private individuals. The earliest images are from the 1910s. The photos of the Finnish Air Force Photo Centre are digitised and can be browsed at the museum from the photo database.
The research archive contains aviation journals since the 1920s, as well as archives of the State Aircraft Factory, Aviation Battalion and other aviation-related entities. Some of our archives also contain personal documents of pilots (flight diaries, writings, etc.).
Customer service hours are on weekdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please book your appointment beforehand, if you wish to do your research in museum.
More info: mikko.kylmala(a)ilmavoimamuseo.fi

The fee for using the photos is 10 € per photo.
The publishing fee is 20 € per image.
More extensive research 25 € / h.
In addition, the price of the DVD á 2,50 € will be charged.

Manuals and technical drawings
The Finnish Air Force Museum archive also contains aircraft manuals and technical drawings.
The price of archive material depends on the form the material is in. Some of the material is already digitized. The museum’s work includes searching for material, research and possible recording media (dvd, usb flash drive). The charges are based on recovering the costs of providing these services.
Examples of pricing:
Manual scanning by a third party: costs for scanning, possible paper copies + service charge for museum’s work 40 €.
Manual scanning by the museum: 0.75 € /page + service charge for the museum’s work 40 €.
Manuals and other materials in digital form: 0.25 € / page + service charge for museum’s work 40 €.
Paper copies of non-digital archive material (max. A3): A4 black and white 0.50 € per page, A4 colour 0.80 € per page + service charge for museum’s work 50 €.
Digitizing technical drawings by an outsider: costs for scanning, possible paper copies + service charge for museum’s work 75 €.
Technical drawings in digital format: pricing according to size + service charge for the museum’s work 50 €.
Making paper copies of previously digitized large drawings that cannot be printed at the museum: pricing according to size + service charge for the museum’s work 75 €.