Opening hours
Week 37
Weekday | Opening hours |
Monday | 11 – 17 |
Tuesday | 11 – 17 |
Wednesday | 11 – 17 |
Thursday | 11 – 17 |
Friday | 11 – 17 |
Saturday | 11 – 17 |
Sunday | 11 – 17 |
The museum is open every day, except for the Christmas, New Year and Midsummer.
Customer group | Price |
Adult admission | 10 € |
Discounted admission | 5 € |
Children (7 – 16 years) | 5 € |
Family ticket | 25 € |
Museum Card | 0 € |
Under 7 years old, veterans and conscripts free admission.
Contact us
Tikkakoskentie 125, 41160 Tikkakoski
050 547 7998
Documenting and preserving the history and traditions of the Finnish Air Force
Finnish Air Force Museum
Our main exhibition presents Finnish military aviation history from the 1910s to the present day. We are a cooperative museum of the Military Museum. The objects in the permanent exhibition consist mainly of aircraft, engines and air equipment used by the Finnish Air Force. Temporary exhibition are located in different sides of the exhibition hall.
We preserve and restore aircraft used by the Finnish Air Force, preserving as many original parts and paintings as possible.
The museum’s archives and library are open to researchers by appointment from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. We ask that you request appointments via e-mail 5 days in advance.
How to reach us
Finnish Air Force Museum is located near the E75, or the national road 4, about 1.5 kilometres towards the centre of Tikkakoski.
Free asphalted parking is available for nearly 100 cars and during events additional parking on the sand field for up to 400 cars.
When you arrive from Jyväskylä by buses 22, 22M and 36, you can reach a stop near the museum.
We are on the Jyväskylä-Tikkakoski cycling route. The route with descriptions (in Finnish) and maps can be found clicking on the link below.
Experience firsthand the thrill of aerial combat!
Flight Simulators
With the Finnish Air Force Museum’s Messerschmitt Bf 109 G and Virtual Reality flight simulators, you can fly the famous fighter of the Finnish Continuation War and many other aircraft used by the Air Force in different eras.
The more traditional Messerschmitt Bf 109 simulator is located at the back of the museum’s exhibition hall in a separate darkened space. It is made of plywood and is essentially like the cockpit of a real Messerschmitt Bf-109 aircraft: the controls and the indicators are accurately modeled.
The museum’s newer simulator lets you wear VR glasses, which make the simulator experience much more intense. This simulator uses a newer flight simulator program, with the Bf 109 modeled more accurately than before. Operating devices differ in appearance from the original, but this is compensated by the fact that the view is much more accurate and covers the entire field of view, as well as more realistic modelling of Messerchmitt.
This simulator has no length restrictions, although like the old simulator it is primarily aimed at slightly older users. Similar vr-glass/controller combinations are widely used around the world in instructor training.
The sim flights are sold in 30- and 60-minute, guided experience packs (40 € / 70 €), which include short orientation and flight time. Flight days are mainly Saturdays. Simulator flights must be booked in advance via the electronic appointment booking calendar.
The simulators are temporarily closed in August and September. The electronic booking calendar is open, and simulator flights can be booked from the beginning of October onwards.
Upcoming events
Scale modelers’ meeting
10.09.2024 – 10.09.2024
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Photos from Tikkakosken kyläyhdistys ry.'s post ... See MoreSee Less
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Erinomainen ympäristö ”tohista”. Tikkakosken kyläyhdistys ry. kiittää ja kumartaa. Tämän läheisemmäksi kyläläisille (ja muille läsnäolijoille) ilmailun museo ei voi tulla.
Huomenna Ilmavoimamuseon piha-alueella järjestetään Tikkakosken tohinoiden tohinatori!
Alueella on mm. tori- ja ruokakojuja, esiintyjiä sekä kaikenlaista puuhaa koko perheelle!
Museoon on vapaa pääsy ja ovet ovat avoinna klo 10-17.
Tervetuloa! ... See MoreSee Less
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