Hopeanharmaa Iljushin IL-28 -kone on näyttelyssä nostettu pilareiden päälle sen suuren koon vuoksi.

Ilyushin Il-28R (NH-4)


The Il-28R is a reconnaissance variant of the Soviet three-seat light Il-28 bomber. The most obvious difference between the two versions is the wing tip fuel tanks of the reconnaissance aircraft. The crew consisted of a pilot, an observer and a rear gunner.

The Finnish Air Force bought two Il-28s from the Soviet Union in 1959. The first aircraft, a bomber variant, arrived in January 1960 flown by a Russian crew that remained in Finland for six months to train Finnish airmen on the type. The next aircraft, an Il-28R, arrived on 24th June 1961. The Il-28 was well suited for Air Force purposes, and two more reconnaissance versions were acquired in 1965. All four Finnish aircraft were of 1955-vintage and they had been refurbished in the Soviet Union before delivery.

The Il-28 was affectionately known as “Nikita” in Finnish service. The type was operated in aerial photography, maritime surveillance and radioactive sampling roles.

The Il-28 was reliable and it had good flight characteristics, although the unboosted controls were heavy. The last flight of the type took place in June 1981.

Additional info

Operating time



Iljušin, Soviet Union


Wing span 22.65 m; Maximum speed 902 km/h; Length 17.65 m; Height 6.55 m.


Rconnaissance variant of the Soviet three-seat light Il-28 bomber

Object number



Main exhibition

Hopeanvärinen Fouga Magister näyttelyhallissa. Kyljessä on sinivalkoinen kokardi eli kansallistunnus.
Fouga CM 170 Magister (FM-45) 


Mig-15UTI-kone näyttelyssä. Kone on hopeanharmaa. Sen kyljessä on numero 4 ja laivuetunnus, ilves.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15UTI (MU-4) 
